Supercharge your team
Focus on what matters
Superteam helps teams escape the whirlwind of day-to-day tasks to focus on activities that actually take you to your goals
Set and achieve goals

Superteam enables you and your team to carve out time for significant goals and assist you with a system for execution.

Set a goal

Decide on a measurable goal for your team.

The Superteam app helps you ensure everyone is involved in the goal-setting to maximize motivation and accountability.

Weekly commit meetings

The team meets once every week for 30 minutes, remote or in-person. Commit meetings always have the same structure.

The purpose of the meeting is to identify and commit to meaningful actions that will make progress towards the goal.

Superteam allows all participants to take meeting notes to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Block time for execution

Team members block out 1 hour and 30 minutes for "super time" in their calendars.

During the Commit meeting, each team member suggests and commits to actions to move the score.

Teams use their super time to fulfill their commitments.


Superteam helps you and your team create a rhythm of commitment and accountability.

Co-workers use the Superteam app between commit meetings to keep track of commitments, communicate, and check in.

Common questions
Who uses Superteam?
Teams of two or more members working toward a critical goal.
We already have several task management systems; why should we use Superteam?
Dedicated tools that help your team stay on top of everyday operations are necessary for working efficiently and making incremental improvements. Superteam complements these systems by assisting teams in measuring and focusing on strategic activities and step-function improvements.
How does Superteam help my team achieve strategic goals?
Superteam is based on a process where teams create a cadence of accountability by consistently making incremental strategic improvements. The app keeps the team aligned with their goal and helps co-workers stay clear from the whirlwind of day-to-day operations for 90 minutes per week.
Does Superteam integrate with other tools?
No. Superteam works in isolation to prevent distraction from other tools and everyday tasks. Team members should put notifications, todo-lists, and day-to-day tasks on hold during their super time.
What is “super time”?
Super time is 90 min per week per team member, dedicated to strategic work. Team members mark super time in the calendar to ensure the ability to work on commitments.